High-Net-Worth Investors Working With a Financial Advisor

Blue and gray circle graph with blue 66% in the middle
Desire Increased Personalization
Blue and gray circle graph with blue 39% in the middle
Already Switched/
Added a New Relationship in the Past Three Years
Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers HNW Investor Survey, 2022

Top Financial Goals of High-Net-Worth Millennials

Blue and gray circle graph with blue 38% in the middle
Investing in the Stock Market
Blue and gray circle graph with blue 33% in the middle
Saving for Retirement
Blue and gray circle graph with blue 27% in the middle
Starting a Company
Blue and gray circle graph with blue 2% in the middle
Source: RBC Wealth Management – U.S. Survey, 2022

Confidence Level of Retirees Who Believe They Can Take Care of Their Basic Expenses During Retirement

Blue, light blue, and gray circle graph with blue 43% very confident, light blue 40% somewhat confident, and gray 17% Not Too or Not at All Confident to the right
Source: Employee Benefit Research Institute and Greenwald Research, 2023 Retirement Confidence Survey

Women and Men Have Different Concerns About Financial Goals

Blue, light blue, and gray circle graph; blue women 46.4% and light blue Men 35.7% in the middle
Outliving Assets in Retirement
Blue, light blue, and gray circle graph; blue women 37.5% and light blue Men 32.4% in the middle
Tax Reduction
Blue, light blue, and gray circle graph; blue women 44% and light blue Men 32.8% in the middle
Poor Market Performance
Source: McKinsey & Company, July 29, 2020